Sustainability evaluation through key indicators of sustainable performance of the steam generation system of an Ecuadorian industry
sustainability, steam generation systems, key indicators of sustainable performance, hierarchical analytical process.Abstract
In this paper, a quantitative evaluation model was developed, initially composed of eighteen indicators distributed among the three pillars of sustainability (economic, social and environmental). Of these, thirteen indicators were selected through the Likert scale and later weighted using the method of the hierarchical analytical process (AHP). The objective was to evaluate the sustainability of the steam generation system of an Ecuadorian industry of canned tuna canning, through key indicators of sustainable performance. The results obtained from the evaluation of the generation system under study, show that its social, economic and environmental aspects reached values of 7131, 6741 and 6306 respectively. The social factor achieved a good rating and the last two a satisfactory rating, which shows the opportunity for improvement presented by the system, especially in environmental and social factors.
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