Gamification: an educational strategy to improve the commercial training in the sales force


  • Alexander Toribio-López Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Lima
  • Eduardo Robles-Rojas Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima


gamification, educational strategy, commercial training, sales force


The present study aims to explore the elements and strategies that a commercial training program should contain that uses gamification as a tool that facilitates the learning process of the sales force of a Peruvian financial entity. For this, a qualitative methodology was used, using as an instrument a semi-structured interview with two Peruvian experts in gamification. Experts propose that the development of gamification in business training should align with the learning objectives, emphasize mobile technology, have a strong, clear and sustained narrative, and contain continuous elements of surprise to maintain the interest of sellers. Finally, experts agree in recommending the use of gamification as a strategy to train the sales force commercially.


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