The development of responsible tourism to face the impacts associated with climate change and Covid 19


  • Alexis Santiago Pérez-Figueredo Centro de Estudios de Manejo de Zonas Costeras, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


Responsible Tourism, Climate Change, Covid 19


The objective of the work is aimed at promoting the development of responsible tourism to face the impacts associated with Climate Change and Covid 19. The bibliographic and documentary review, comparative, descriptive-explanatory methods, as well as the causal analysis to support the relationships between the research variables. The matrix method and the cartographic method to model the impacts of Climate Change. Observation, interviews and surveys to know the level of perception of risk and update of the diagnosis. As results, the foundation of elements that favor the articulation of actions for the development of responsible tourism in the confrontation of the impacts associated with Climate Change and Covid 19 are proposed.


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