Digital Invoice: a challenge for trade in Cuba
Digital invoice, operation cycle, Public Key Infrastructure y digital signatureAbstract
The purpose of this work is to identify the existing limitations in a Cuban entity with a view to outlining the necessary actions for the implementation of the digital invoice, which will enable it to obtain the benefits of this invoicing modality. To achieve this objective, a literature review on this subject was carried out and relevant information was obtained through interviews with managers and technicians of the entity studied. The research revealed as fundamental limitations for the implementation of digital invoicing, the non-availability of a sufficient amount in the approved Investment Plan to modernize the technological equipment, acquire the required software and sign a contract with a company authorized by the Ministry of the Interior, for the services of personnel training and certification of the public key infrastructure (PKI), as well as the acceptance and availability of the necessary conditions by the customers.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Armando Martínez-Marsal, Karina Guía-Alcolea
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