Behavior of the tourist consumer for the promotion of the gastronomic service of San Clemente
Behavior of the tourist consumer for the promotion of the gastronomic service of San Clemente
consumer behavior, gastronomic service, strategies, tourismAbstract
The objective of the research was to analyze the behavior of the tourist consumer for the promotion of the gastronomic service of San Clemente, for this the bibliographic study was carried out by reviewing other works previously presented regarding the investigative topic, the research was descriptive analytical methods were quantitative and qualitative for the interpretation of the results based on the tool questions the technique used was a questionnaire for the use of the survey that was developed to 80 people from the sector, with an approximate age between 20 to 60 years, SPSS21 tool, the that allowed to verify that the instrument used was reliable from the Alpha of Cronbach based on the typified elements was 0.98, in the results it was possible to verify that the restaurants of the parish of San Clemente do not have advertising tools, which impact on the mind of the tourist consumer, although in the analysis of the surveys it It can be observed that consumers have little information about the gastronomy offered by the sector.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Jean Carlos Zambrano-Falcones, Lilia Moncerrate Villacis-Zambrano
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