The internationalization of the curriculum in professional training

The internationalization of the curriculum in professional training


  • Yuleisis Ochoa-Nápoles Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Adaris Parada-Ulloa Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • José Jaime Esqueda-Elizondo Universidad Autónoma de BAJA California, México


Curriculum, Internationalization and professional training


Universities as an educational institution, it is the scenario par excellence for the training of a competent professional tempered to the new times, according to the political, social and cultural development in a universal way. In this sense, the internationalization of Higher Education in Cuba, today it is a matter of central importance, according to the pretensions of insertion in the dynamics of the processes in the world. The work presented aims to contextualize the internationalization of the curriculum based on the benefits that this theory provides, taking into account the peculiarities of the Universidad de Oriente (UO) from its potentialities and limitations that allow the development of a strategy that enhances the management of university processes, from careers, academic years and disciplines. The strategy will incorporate active learning processes, for this, theoretical and empirical methods have been applied,  that have made it possible to deepen the theoretical aspects in this regard, and identify the current conditions and future possibilities that the UO possesses, taking into account the criteria of the educational  agents that intervene in the different organizational levels.


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