Procedure for the design of job profiles by competencies in the Pharmaceutical Laboratory Company
Procedure for the design of job profiles by competencies in the Pharmaceutical Laboratory Company
position profile by skills, procedure, skillsAbstract
This research was developed in the Pharmaceutical Laboratory Company, and its main objective is to develop a procedure that allows the design of load profiles by competencies for the jobs Technologist A Industrial Processes (Principal Specialist) and Technologist A Industrial Processes that are part of the Research and Development Group (I+D), in accordance with the demands and needs of the organization in the Cuban biopharmaceutical sector. The methods and techniques used were: historical-logical, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, Delphi method, functional analysis, integrated or holistic approach, expert criteria, evidence folder, surveys, performance observation. The result was the elaboration of the procedure and therefore the design of the load profiles by competences for the selected positions derived from its application, in addition to the identification of the competences for each selected load. Its application has been generalized in the rest of the associated jobs in the organization.
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