Management of legal training in Administrative Law for the preparation of Cadres, reserves and Delegates of the Popular Power of the Tercer Frente

Management of legal training in Administrative Law for the preparation of Cadres, reserves and Delegates of the Popular Power of the Tercer Frente


  • NELVIS BENÍTEZ BLANCAR Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular en Tercer Frente, Cuba


Management; training; program; law; administrative


The investigation entitled “Legal training in Administrative Law for reserve cadres and delegates of the People’s Power” developed in the municipality of Tercer Frente; has as a problem: Insufficient legal preparation in Administrative Law of cadres, reserves and delegates of the People’s Power. A legal training program in Administrative Law is proposed that affects the preparation of cadres, reserves and delegates of the People’s Power to achieve comprehensive attention to their comprehensive development and that in turn project and manage the solution of problems that affect their communities. For the development of the same, investigative methods of the theoretical, empirical, mathematical-statistical level were used, to base theoretically, assuming criteria and issuing evaluations, in addition to verifying the insufficiencies of the existing problem and offering a solution to it, as well as corroborating superior results in the feasibility, effectiveness and relevance of the proposal presented.


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