Opportunities and challenges for the development of business projects in the province of Esmeraldas, Ecuador
business projects, diversification of the economy, sustainable tourism, environmental conservation and social inclusionAbstract
The article aims to analyze the opportunities and challenges of the development of business projects in the province of Esmeralda. The analysis method from the general to the particular and the analysis and synthesis method were used. It was structured in two parts. First, a general characterization of the province is given. Second, the opportunities and challenges of the development of these projects are analyzed, considering the key aspects of the topic and the characteristics of Esmeraldas. It was demonstrated that these projects have the potential to boost the development of the province, promoting the diversification of the local economy, innovation and technological development, environmental conservation, sustainable tourism and social inclusion. However, there are a series of challenges that limit further success and development (limited infrastructure and access to financing, insufficient training and business skills, security and social conflict, corruption and bureaucracy).
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