Towards Business Improvement: an analysis of the current economic context in Cuba


  • Baker Schesnel-Paul Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba
  • Ricel Martinez-Martinez Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba
  • Javier Ernesto De la Fe-Noa Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba


Business management; economic context; improvement


Updating the economic model in Cuba implies the need to boost the performance of economic actors in a context of international crisis, both for the state-owned company and for the rest and its improvement. Therefore, improvement is a Business Management System that through the integral management of its subsystems, will allow obtaining superior results in the technical-economic and social order, required for the recovery of the business sector. To effectively guarantee the transformation of these companies as a basic link in the economy, the design and implementation of a coherent, comprehensive and credible institutional system is required, in which clear "rules of the game" are established in the separation of state functions and business. The business management models in Cuba must be experienced in multiple ways that encourage innovative entrepreneurship with efficiency, effectiveness, competitiveness, and compliance with the social mandate.


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