Metodología para la coordinación del inventario de materias primas y materiales en la industria de astilleros


  • Carlos Javier Hernández-González Universidad de Oriente


management, inventory, costs.


The general objective of this paper is to define an administration methodology to control the inventories in order to minimize the total cost associated to the provisioning of raw materials by the application of economic-mathematics models with the implementation of a computer system in Astilleros del Oriente, Santiago de Cuba. The research is part of the project of technological innovation "Fortalecimiento institucional en la enseñanza de las asignaturas de Estadística, Investigación Operativa, Fiabilidad y Calidad y aplicación científica en temas de interés regional" approved by the Ministry of Science Technology and Environment. The methodology allows obtaining, at planning level, a saving in the relevant total costs of the analyzed products to $ 39 332, 80 in the year 2013, as well as more efficient levels in the logistical–financial indicators.




