Situation of the supply of catering companies in the EPS of Riobamba


  • Roberto Naranjo-Silva Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Riobamba
  • Harold Zabala-Jarrín Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Riobamba
  • Graciela Castellanos-Pellerols Universidad de Oriente
  • Norma Hernández-Rodriguez Universidad de Oriente


logistic, supply, transport, popular and solidarity economy, EPS foods sector.


The Constitution of the 2008 in Ecuador with the objective of improving the quality of its population's life, settled down to the popular and solidary economy (EPS) as the fourth economic sector of the country. Studies carried out by the National Institute of Popular and Solidary Economy (IEPS) from the 2009, they show problems in the development and progress of this economic sector, fundamentally in the logistics areas, marketing, production and managerial organization. This article determines the problems that are manifested in the supply of the inputs and the delivery from the products to the final consumer, of the nutritious services of the catering companies in the EPS of the canton Riobamba. It was obtained results of quantitative type through a market study, which concludes with alternatives that look for to solve the problems generated in this key sector of the Ecuadorian economy.


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