Cuba: mitigation policies and the Environmental Kuznets curve


  • Yusimit Betancourt-Alayón Universidad de La Habana
  • José Somoza-Cabrera Universidad de La Habana


climate change, energy, environmental Kuznets curve, emissions mitigation options.


This paper aims to determine whether there is for Cuba a growing non-monotonic relationship, known as the Environmental Kuznets Curve, between emissions of CO2, NOx and SO2 in relation to income levels as a measure of the degree of development a basic model from 1970 to 2010. In addition to exploring an extended model involving product structure and trade on emissions. These gases by the importance of the intensification of global warming and therefore in strengthening the climate change are studied. A positive relationship of emissions of the three gases with GDP, although with evidence of an emerging virtuous development path of emissions is obtained, in any case it is possible without a comprehensive development policy which is prioritized design mitigation options.


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