Discount rate in the evaluation of projects at the alimentary sector in Cuba


  • Luis Manuel Almarales-Popa Universidad de Oriente
  • José Armando Estrada-Hernández Universidad de Oriente


financial evaluation, discount rate, feasibility of investments, evaluation of financial assets.


The discount rate is what allows determining the current value, discounting the expected payments with future maturity to the profitability, offered by the equivalent alternative investments available in the capital market, also called capital opportunity cost. The objective of this article lies in the proposal of a procedure for the selection of the discount rate in the financial evaluation of investment projects in the food sector; which allows quantifying the expected return and the risk assumed by the shareholders or investors for said investment. To achieve this objective, it is proposed to adapt to the Cuban reality the capital asset valuation model developed by William Sharpe; which will facilitate estimating the results in the preinvestment phase of the projects.


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