Procedure for the design of strategies based on the analysis of critical factors in tourist destinations


  • Lázaro Cruz-Torres Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba


tourist destination, Strategy, Impact factors, Tourism


The globalization of the international economy and the development of ICTs have influenced the expansion of the tourism sector as one of the most important economic activities in the last ten years. The optimal management of tourist destinations requires knowing the behavior of the variables in their environment to define strategic projections and manage the possible scenarios of their performance in the medium and long term. The objective of the research is to design a procedure to determine the development strategies of the tourist destination from the impact of the critical factors of the environment by selected key areas. An analysis of primary information was carried out and qualitative and quantitative information search techniques and other tools such as brainstorming, the concept map, the impact importance matrix and structural analysis were applied. The MICMAC software and the SPSS version 15.0 program were used.


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