Methodological proposal for the evaluation of Medical Biophysics in its promotion to a High Technology Enterprise


  • Liuvas Boizán-Cobas Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • María Ángeles Alpízar-Terrero Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Rosario León-Robaina Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


High Technology Enterprise, R D i, evaluation methodology


Medical Biophysics is a Higher Education Science, Technology and Innovation Entity, which is called to become a High Technology Enterprise. A methodology to evaluate the indicators established in Decree No. 2/2020, which regulates the organization and operation of this type of companies is proposed. Based on the case study method and the processing of 11 surveys carried out to experts from the entity, the methodology was designed consisting of four stages that provide feedback, monitor and control in a transversal way and allow the improvement of the R + D + i, as the central nucleus of the decree. The applicability of the proposal was validated through the user criteria method and the group satisfaction index. The results of the evaluation of the indicators not met, will allow the design of a plan of measures that will be incorporated into the strategic planning of the institution.


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