Feasibility of the expert criterion method to validate the procedure for the management of events in cuban hotels


  • José Antonio Mora-Sánchez Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Yosvani Orlando Lao-León Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


specialists, procedure, events, feasibility


This article has as a general objective demonstrate the feasibility of the procedure for the management of events in Cuban hotels prepared by Mora (2020) through the criteria of experts. The ten specialists consulted answered the second survey for the validation of the procedure, evaluating 100 % of the design criteria of the proposal made between very adequate and adequate, of which 91,7 % of the specialists evaluated the parameters as very adequate ( MA) and as quite adequate (BA) and 8,3 % evaluated them as adequate (A). In evaluating how the procedure will take into account current regulations and new trends in the activity, for the improvement of event management, the result was 9,30 on an ascending scale of 0-10, considering it as high. . For the preparation of the article, empirical level and theoretical level methods were used.


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