Procedure for the design of commercial offers in the San Juan Hotel of the Islazul chain


  • Anabel Peña-Suárez Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


Innovation, commercial offers, customer satisfaction, profitability


Having a portfolio of attractive offers in the hotel sector contributes to tourist facilities reaching higher levels of competitiveness and customer loyalty. The objective of the research was to design a procedure for the creation of innovative commercial offers that increase profitability and customer satisfaction at the Hotel San Juan. The criteria of experts, surveys, interviews and direct observation, allowed the development and application of the procedure for the scope of the objective. The activity matrices, General Electric and BCG, the Decision software, and the statistical package SPSS version 22.0 were used for data processing and analysis. The five commercial offers designed would contribute to increase profitability in the installation, customer satisfaction and income for this concept by 19.5%.


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