Neuromarketing as a tool for brand positioning
Neuromarketing as a tool for brand positioning
neuromarketing, brand positioning, strategiesVisual neuromarketing, auditory neuromarketing, kinesthetic neuromarketingAbstract
The objective of this work is to establish the current state of knowledge about neuromarketing as a brand positioning tool, as well as to identify what types and strategies of neuromarketing are applied to achieve brand positioning and point out practices related to these. To do this, scientific articles published in indexed journals such as Ebsco, Scopus, Redalyc, Scielo and Dialnet published between 2018 and 2022 were analyzed. The quantitative analysis showed trends in methods, languages and countries, with Colombia standing out as the country with the highest number of publications. On the subject studied, in addition, it was found that 26.6% of the articles in general are included in Scopus. On the other hand, the qualitative analysis allowed us to identify four approaches among the articles analyzed: the importance of Neuromarketing in the current market, neuromarketing and brand positioning, types and success stories that used neuromarketing for brand positioning.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Belén Lais Alvarado-Patrocinio, Jean Paul Daniel Moncada-Huanqui, María del Carmen Llontop-Castillo, Rubén Luis Gómez-Díaz
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