Analysis of the efficiency of the Loan Portfolio of the Credit and Commerce Bank of Santiago de Cuba

Analysis of the efficiency of the Loan Portfolio of the Credit and Commerce Bank of Santiago de Cuba


  • MARÍA ESPERANZA GONZÁLEZ DEL FOYO Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • ARMANDO PEREIRA LÓPEZ Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • LÁZARO COSTA SEIJAS Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • TANIA ALFONSO CUELLAR Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


Banks, loan portfolio, efficiency indicators


Currently, to carry out their intermediation work, banks require a healthy and efficient financial situation that allows them to be solidly sustainable, which largely depends on the productive assets they possess. The analysis of the efficiency of the loan portfolio or analysis of the behavior of the credit operations requested by the different customer segments, through management indicators and other selected techniques, allows the necessary support to be provided in an orderly and dynamic manner to the managerial decisions that have direct incidence in the administration of the assets of banking financial institutions. That is why the present investigation aims to apply, with a comprehensive approach, the analysis techniques of the efficiency of the loan portfolio in the Branch 8321 of the Banco de Crédito y Comercio (BANDEC) of Santiago de Cuba to facilitate the evaluation of the effectiveness of the branch in the granting and recovery of credits in the 2019-2020 period. The research exposes the elements that allow the evaluation of efficiency through the application of selected techniques that measure the evolution, quality, operational efficiency, productivity and profitability of the loan portfolio.


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