The control of the effectiveness of the link management of Higher Education Institutions with their employer institutions

The control of the effectiveness of the link management of Higher Education Institutions with their employer institutions


  • NIUBIS PÉREZ ACUÑA Institución de Enseñanza Superior Hermanos Marañón de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • YAMILÉ HOTMAN CARDOSA Institución de Enseñanza Superior Hermanos Marañón de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


Effectiveness, Control, process management, link, Index


The new international scenarios marked by the effects of Covid-19, as well as the challenges imposed to confront them, demand more efficient and effective forms of management in search of Higher Education Institutions with greater responsibility, committed to the development of society, and oriented to satisfy the needs of the employing institutions. The objective of this work was to create a link index that allow through its calculations, to controlthe effectiveness of the link management of the Higher Education Institutions with their employer institutions, is assumed as general methods, the dialectical-materialism, and also a mixed approach, for this the following theoretical and empirical scientific methods were used: The historical-logical methods, Modeling methods, Document Analysis methods, Observation methods, the Measurement methodsand Triangulation methods, in the same way were used descriptive and inferential statistical methods for the analysis and processing of information.


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