Quality management procedure of the service processes of the Medical Biophysics center of the improvemebt of decision making

Quality management procedure of the service processes of the Medical Biophysics center of the improvemebt of decision making


  • KATHY PETIT RIVAFLECHA Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • YUSMANY MARSAL BERROA Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


Quality management, service processes, decision making


This research was based on the management of the continuous improvement of the service processes of the Medical Biophysics Center (CBM). To achieve this purpose, a procedure was developed in the organization under study established by the achievement of their respective stages and logical steps that allowed the identification of problems that produce dysfunctions in them and the selection of the appropriate measures based on the importance of failures by implementing improvement actions, in order to achieve excellence in business activity and the satisfaction of customers’ needs and expectations. The instrument included a wide toolkit among which the criteria of experts, questionnaires and a series of matrices such as those of Fisher, Thomas Saaty, Failures-Processes and Processes-Requirements were found; in addition to the Process Map, the Flow Diagram and the use of software such as SPSS 22.0 and Microsoft Excel 2016 to fulfill the general objective of the investigation.


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