Improvement the logistics system of the Santiago de Cuba Division of COPEXTEL S.A. as a socially responsible company


  • Rudys Colón-Pozo División Santiago de Cuba de COPEXTEL S. A.
  • Grethel Roldán-Hernández Dirección Municipal de Trabajo y Seguridad Social
  • Norma Hernández-Rodríguez Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba
  • Onidia Aguilar-Benítez Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba


Logistics, corporate social responsibility, efficiency, business management and improvement


This paper is part of the project: “Improvement of entrepreneurial management for the company COPEXTEL S.A., Santiago de Cuba Division” to solve the problem: How could the logistics system of the organization be improved to enhance its management efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness and hence be a socially responsible company? This procedure allows improving the logistics system by identifying the pros and cons that can influence its efficiency and create strategies to guarantee magnifying the pros and minimizing the cons. This study will be a methodological guide to improve the logistics system, achieve efficiency, efficacy and maintain the company as a socially responsible one. From the practical point of view, it will make easier the decision-making process and will allow designing the direct and reverse flow. The application of the procedure perfects logistic management.


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