The banking risk due to the issuance of the Letter of Credit as a financial instrument


  • Wendy González-Parra Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • María Esperanza González-del Foyo Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Ivón M. Valdés-Corona Banco Popular de Ahorro, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Teresa Rodríguez-Carbonell Facultad II de Medicina, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


credit risk, letter of credit, mapping, focus group


The purpose of this article is to identify the risks involved for Branch 8162 of People's Savings Bank in Santiago de Cuba, the use of the local Letter of Credit by Soybean Processing Company, a client of that institution. For this purpose, process mapping techniques will be employed using the Microsave methodology. In the article, the theoretical foundations related to the analysis and definition of risk in financial institutions are presented, and the process of credit analysis for the issuance of a local Letter of Credit is studied through the mapping, determining the main limitations and deficiencies of the current process. The results obtained allowed proposing to the authorities of the entity to include in the Instructions and Procedures Manual of People's Savings Bank, a new procedure for the approval of a Credit Line for opening a Letter of Credit, identifying in it the credit risk.


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