Organizational change: necessity for the Eastern Territory Maritime Administration

Organizational change: necessity for the Eastern Territory Maritime Administration


  • Guillermo José Mérida-Cala Administración Marítima del Territorio Oriente, Cuba
  • Maricela Arias-Madrazo Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


Port Development Fund, Port Rights, Organizational Change


Ports constitute an important link in the economy by moving large volumes of goods and services inserted in the supply chain. Large financial investments are required for infrastructure, modernization and maintenance, which is done internationally through the creation and promotion of funds from financial groups. In Cuba, it is the State that administers these resources (except for the Mariel Development Zone), to protect the life of the seafarer, the environment, plan and seek financing alternatives, to undertake investments aimed at increasing its competitiveness. Achieving efficiency in port activity in Cuba requires substantive changes; the objective of this work is to base theoretically and conceptually, the organizational changes that to contribute to the formation of the Port Development Fund, self-finance and fulfill its mission. For this, documentary research methods, econometric techniques and others typical of the port system were applied, as well as the statistical software SSPS v25.


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