From the swot and the Johari window, the FOBI matrix, an innovative variant for strategic management of a university

From the swot and the Johari window, the FOBI matrix, an innovative variant for strategic management of a university


  • JOSÉ ARMANDO ESTRADA HERNÁNDEZ Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • JOSÉ LUIS GEY SHELTON Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • BLAS YOEL JUANES GIRAUD Universidad de Especialidades Turísticas Quito, Ecuador
  • VILNIA ELENA GALÁN RIVAS Universidad de Holguín, Cuba


Johari window, SWOT matrix, strategic thinking and reflection, FOBI matrix


The use of reflection and strategic thinking favor adequate planning in organizations. The research article that is presented below focuses on a private university in Ecuador, the University of Tourism Specialties (UDET), where it is intended to integrate perceptions, visions and capacities for the development of the university entity with an innovative approach from an analysis and strategic diagnosis, constituting the objective of the research, the application of a variant of the SWOT matrix, the matrix called FOBI, with an innovative approach for the certification of the analysis and strategic diagnosis in the institution under study. This approach contributes to a new vision and innovative conceptualization from the SWOT, SWOT, or SWOT matrix of strategic analysis and diagnosis, seeking realistic and comprehensive criteria and opinions of the protagonists involved in the preparation of the instrument and the results in this regard.


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