
  • Jorge Pérez-Jardines MEDICUBA
  • Graciela Castellanos-Pallerols Universidad de Oriente
  • Norma Hernández-Rodríguez Universidad de Oriente
  • Frank Ángel Lemoine Quintero Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
  • Vladimir Perdomo-Verdecia Cabaret Tropicana de Santiago de Cuba


Innovation, commercial management, innovative projects, offer portfolio.


The tourism sector, due to its dynamic nature, requires constant innovation in its commercial management to create greater values for customers, which is why we propose a Model of commercial innovation in the hotel activity that pursues the objective of proposing new forms of commercialization based in the integration of innovative ideas and innovative projects for the elaboration of the offer portfolio. In this article the theoretical methodological conceptions about the commercial management process and the innovation of the management and the design of offers in tourist entities are exposed, as well as the methodological steps of the model, the analytical and methodological instruments that operationalize it. The proposed model allowed to demonstrate that from an innovative projects approach, it is possible to generate high value offers for the client and incorporate it into the portfolio validated by a study from the commercial and economic point of view.


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