Social dimension of food self-sufficiency in the Contramaestre municipality, Santiago de Cuba


  • Elena María Stewart-Santos Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Milagros Morales-Pérez Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Rosa Marina Castellanos-Dorado Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


food self-sufficiency, social dimension, health, education, habitat


The objective of the article is to analyze the social dimension of food self-sufficiency in the Contramaestre municipality of Santiago de Cuba in the 2014-2019 period using descriptive statistics and economic analysis. The indicators were selected that by areas of intervention allowed to carry out the analysis, with the interpretation of their behavior and identification of deficiencies. The analysis showed that the limitations of the municipality are expressed in the following indicators: the health area, the decrease in the birth rate, the increase in the mortality rate, the high rate of low birth weight and the high mortality rate maternal; in the area of education, the decrease in the number of graduates at all levels of education; in the habitat area, the limited number of finished homes, the decrease in the percentage of the population with access to drinking water and the limited percentage of inhabitants with sewerage.


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